5 Steps to Securing a Six-figure Career -No Degree Required!

6 Figure Career

What does it mean to work in tech?

How to make 6 figures in tech, healthcare tech, educational tech, the legal field, sales, and other industries— no coding or college degree required:

✅ What career paths are available to you 

✅ What are the salary options and benefits 

✅ How to network to secure not only 1, but 2 jobs

✅ How to utilize the free and low-cost resources 

✅ And more!

$8,334 per month is $100,000k per year is the new adult $100 

You said you are ready NOW to make a career change to earn $100k a year 

This class is the blueprint that will help you begin to interview for a $100k career within 45 days and turn your credit from good to great all within months

This Is For You If:

👉🏾 You are making less than $100k a year or you don’t work remotely 

👉🏾You make good money at your job but not great money and you’re overworked and underpaid at work 

👉🏾You want to transition careers or leave your current job but don’t know how 

👉🏾You want a career that pays you well enough to invest in your business & buy a new house and the flexibility to work your business 

👉🏾You aren’t sure how to get a $100k career 

👉🏾 Your bills are increasing but your paycheck isn’t 

👉🏾You have no college degree but need $100k ASAP

👉🏾Your boss stressing you and you are tired of the same boring work benefits such as off at 5 and weekends —more opportunities await you

👉🏾You spend too much gas money driving to work 

👉🏾You have kids so you need more money and more flexibility 

👉🏾You are a mom and need more money  

👉🏾You need money to afford extra activities and vacations 

👉🏾Inflation is causing you to struggle

You will learn how to pivot into a high-paying career working remotely even with no college

Introduction of $100k careers with no college

Learn how to choose the best route and career path

How to find job openings

Learn some of the best benefits, and salary negotiation tactics  

  • Flexible careers that pay 6 figures with little experience and no college
  • How to get your certifications paid for
  • How to network to secure a job
  • How to utilize social media to land a high-paying career
  • Resume building and interview prep
  • Discover the best benefits to ask for from your job

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  • Time : 7:00 pm - 8:30 am (UTC-6)

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Dr. Keonna Farmer

Number 5

5 Awesome Tips For You

5 tips for young adults and student-athletes to network their way to success and secure a 6-figure dream job!